Source code for climaf.api

CliMAF module ``api`` defines functions for basic CliMAF use : a kind of Application Programm Interface for scripting in Python with CliMAF for easy climate model output processing.

It also imports a few functions from other modules, and declares a number of 'CliMAF standard operators'

Main functions are :

- for data definition and access :

 - ``cproject`` : declare a project and its non-standard attributes/facets

 - ``dataloc``  : set data locations for a series of simulations

 - ``cdef``     : define some default values for datasets attributes

 - ``ds``       : define a dataset object (actually a front-end for ``cdataset``)

 - ``eds``      : define an ensemble dataset object (actually a front-end for ``cens``)

 - ``derive``   : define a variable as computed from other variables

 - `` calias``  : describe how a variable is derived form another, single, one, and which
   variable name should be used in deriving data filename for this variable

- for processing the data 

 - ``cscript``  : define a new CliMAF operator (this also defines a new Python function)

 - ``cMA``      : get the Masked Array value of a CliMAF object (compute it)

 - ``cvalue``   : get the value of a CliMAF object which actually is a scalar

 - ``cens``     : define an ensemble of objects 

- for managing/viewing results :

 - ``cfile``    : get the file value of a CliMAF object (compute it)
 - ``efile``    : create a single file for an ensemble of CliMAF objects

 - ``cshow``    : display a result of type 'figure' 

 - ``cpage``    : create an array of figures (output: 'png' or 'pdf' figure)

 - ``cpage_pdf``: create an array of figures (output: 'pdf' figure)

 - ``cdump``    : tell what's in cache

 - ``cdrop``    : delete the cached file for an object

 - ``craz``     : reset cache

 - ``csync``    : save cache index to disk

- utility functions :

 - ``clog``     : tune verbosity

 - ``clog_file``: tune verbosity for log file

# Created : S.Senesi - 2014

import os, os.path
import climaf

# Declare standard projects and standard data locations
from projects import *

# All CliMAF functions we want to provide as top-level functions when this module is loaded as "from ... import *"
from classes   import cdef,cdataset,ds,cproject,cprojects,aliases,cpage,cfreqs,cens,eds,fds,cpage_pdf,varOf,crealms
from cmacro    import macro,cmacros
from driver    import ceval, cfile, cshow, cMA, cvalue, cimport, cexport,calias, efile
from dataloc   import dataloc 
from operators import cscript, scripts as cscripts,operators, fixed_fields, derive
from cache     import craz, csync, cdump, cdrop,  clist, cls, crm, cdu, cwc
from clogging  import clogger, clog, clog_file, logdir
from site_settings import atCNRM, onCiclad, atTGCC, atIDRIS, atIPSL, onSpip
from plot.plot_params import plot_params, hovm_params
from plot.varlongname import varlongname
from derived_variables import *
from functions import *

#: Path for the CliMAF package. From here, can write e.g. ``cpath+"../scripts"``. The value shown in the doc is not meaningful for your own CliMAF install

[docs]def cerr(): """ Display file 'last.out' (stdout and stderr of last operator call) """ os.system('cat '+logdir+'/last.out')