Source code for climaf.period

"""  Basic types and syntax for managing time periods in CLIMAF 


# S.Senesi 08/2014 : created

import re, datetime
from climaf.clogging import clogger, dedent

class cperiod():
    A class for handling a pair of datetime objects defining a period.

    Period is defined as [ date1, date2 ]. Resolution for date2 is 1 minute
    Attribute 'pattern' usually provides a more condensed form

    def __init__(self,start,end=None,pattern=None) :
        if start == 'fx' :
        elif not isinstance(start,datetime.datetime) or not isinstance(end,datetime.datetime) : 
            raise Climaf_Period_Error("issue with start or end")
        else :
            self.start=start ; self.end=end ;
            if pattern is None :
    def __repr__(self):
        #      self.start.year,self.start.month,,self.start.hour,self.start.minute,
        #      self.end.year,self.end.month,,self.end.hour,self.end.minute))
    def iso(self):
        """ Return isoformat(start)-isoformat(end), (with inclusive end, and 1 minute accuracy)
        e.g. : 1980-01-01T00:00:00,1980-12-31T23:59:00
        if (self.fx) :
            raise Climaf_Period_Error("There is no ISO representation for period 'fx'")
        endproxy = self.end - datetime.timedelta(0,60)  # substract 1 minute
        return "%s,%s"%(self.start.isoformat(),endproxy.isoformat())
    def pr(self) :
        if self.fx : return 'fx'
        if (self.start.minute != 0 or self.start.minute != 0):
        elif (self.start.hour != 0 or self.end.hour != 0 ):
        elif ( != 1 or != 1 ):
            if ( != 1 ): 
            else : 
                end=self.end - datetime.timedelta(1)
                y=end.year ; m=end.month;
            if (self.start.year,self.start.month, (y,m,d) :
        elif (self.start.month != 1 or self.end.month != 1 ):
            if (self.end.month != 1 ): 
                m=self.end.month -1
            else : 
            if self.start.year==y and self.start.month==m :
                return("%04d%02d-%04d%02d"%(self.start.year,self.start.month,y, m))
        else :
            if self.start.year != self.end.year-1 : 
                return("%04d-%04d"%(self.start.year, self.end.year-1))
    def hasFullYear(self,year):
        if (self.fx) :
            raise Climaf_Period_Error("Meaningless for period 'fx'")
        return( int(year) >= self.start.year and int(year) < self.end.year) 
    def start_with(self,begin) :
        """ If period BEGIN actually begins period SELF, returns the 
        complement of BEGIN in SELF; otherwise returns None """
        if (self.fx) :return(False)
        if self.start==begin.start and self.end >= begin.end : 
            return cperiod(begin.end,self.end)
    def is_before(self,candidate) :
        """ True if period SELF starts before period CANDIDATE
        if (self.fx) :return(False)
        return self.start <= candidate.start 
    def includes(self,included) :
        """ if period self does include period 'included', returns a pair of
        periods which represents the difference """
        if (self.fx) :return(False)
        #raise Climaf_Period_Error("Meaningless for period 'fx'")
        if self.start <= included.start and included.end <= self.end :
            return cperiod(self.start,included.start), cperiod(included.end,self.end)
    def intersects(self,other) :
        Returns the intersection of period self and period 'other' if any
        if (self.fx) :
            raise Climaf_Period_Error("Meaningless for period 'fx'")
        if other :
            if (other.start > start) : start=other.start
            if (other.end < end) : end=other.end
            if (start < end) : return cperiod(start,end)

[docs]def init_period(dates) : """ Init a CliMAF 'period' object Args: dates (str): must match YYYY[MM[DD[HH[MM]]]][(-\|_)YYYY[MM[DD[HH[MM]]]]] , or be 'fx' for fixed fields Returns: the corresponding CliMAF 'period' object When using only YYYY, can omit some Ys (for zeros). Cannot handle year 0000 Examples : - a one-year long period : '1980', or '1980-1980' - a decade : '1980-1989' - first millenium : 1-1000 # Must have leading zeroes if you want to quote a month - first century : 1-100 - one month : '198005' - two months : '198003-198004' - one day : '17890714' - the same single day, in a more complicated way : '17890714-17890714' CliMAF internally handles date-time values with a 1 minute accurracy; it can provide date information to external scripts in two forms; see keywords 'period' and 'period_iso' in :py:func:`~climaf.operators.cscript` """ #clogger.debug("analyzing %s"%dates) if not type(dates) is str : raise Climaf_Period_Error("arg is not a string : "+`dates`) if (dates == 'fx' ) : return cperiod('fx') start=re.sub(r'^([0-9]{1,12}).*',r'\1',dates) # Pad with leading 0 to reach a length of 4 characters start=(4-len(start))*"0"+start # TBD : check that start actually matches a date syear =int(start[0:4]) smonth =int(start[4:6]) if len(start) > 5 else 1 sday =int(start[6:8]) if len(start) > 7 else 1 shour =int(start[8:10]) if len(start) > 9 else 0 sminute=int(start[10:12])if len(start) > 11 else 0 try : s=datetime.datetime(year=syear,month=smonth,day=sday,hour=shour,minute=sminute) except : raise Climaf_Period_Error("period start string %s is not a date (%s %s %s %s %s)"%(start,syear,smonth,sday,shour,sminute)) # end=re.sub(r'.*[-_]([0-9]{1,12})$',r'\1',dates) end=(4-len(end))*"0"+end #clogger.debug("For dates=%s, start= %s, end=%s"%(dates,start,end)) done=False if (end==dates) : # No string found for end of period if (len(start)<=4 ) : eyear=syear+1 ; emonth=1 ; eday=1 ; ehour=0 elif (len(start)==6 ) : eyear=syear ; emonth=smonth+1 ; if (emonth > 12) : emonth=1 eyear=eyear+1 eday=1 ; ehour=0 elif (len(start)==8 ) : eyear=syear ; emonth=smonth ; eday=sday ; ehour=0 if (sday > 27) : # Must use datetime for handling month length e=s+datetime.timedelta(1) done=True else : eday=sday+1 elif (len(start)==10 ) : eyear=syear ; emonth=smonth ; eday=sday ; ehour=shour+1 if (ehour > 23) : ehour=0 eday=eday+1 eminute = 0 else: #clogger.debug("len(end)=%d"%len(end)) if len(start) != len(end) : raise Climaf_Period_Error("Must have same numer of digits for start and end dates (%s and %s)"%(start,end)) if (len(end)<12) : eminute = 0 else : eminute=int(end[10:12]) if (len(end)==4 ) : eyear=int(end[0:4])+1 ; emonth=1 ; eday=1 ; ehour=0 elif (len(end)==6 ) : eyear=int(end[0:4]) ; emonth=int(end[4:6])+1 ; eday=1 ; ehour=0 if (emonth > 12) : emonth=1 eyear=eyear+1 elif (len(end)==8 ) : eyear=int(end[0:4]) ; emonth=int(end[4:6]) ; eday=int(end[6:8]) ; ehour=0 if (eday > 27) : try : #print "trying %d %d %d %d %d"%(eyear,emonth,eday,ehour,eminute) e=datetime.datetime(year=eyear,month=emonth,day=eday,hour=ehour,minute=eminute) except: raise Climaf_Period_Error("period end string %s is not a date"%end) e=e+datetime.timedelta(1) done=True else: eday=eday+1 elif (len(end)==10 ) : eyear=int(end[0:4]) ; emonth=int(end[4:6]) ; eday=int(end[6:8]) ; ehour=int(end[8:10])+1 if (ehour > 23) : ehour=0 eday=eday+1 elif (len(end)==12 ) : eyear=int(end[0:4]) ; emonth=int(end[4:6]) ; eday=int(end[6:8]) ; ehour=int(end[8:10]) ; eminute=int(end[10:12]) # if not done : try : #print "try:%d %02d %02d %02d %02d"%(eyear,emonth,eday,ehour,eminute) e=datetime.datetime(year=eyear,month=emonth,day=eday,hour=ehour,minute=eminute) except: raise Climaf_Period_Error("period end string %s is not a date"%end) if s < e : return cperiod(s,e,None) else : raise Climaf_Period_Error("Must have start ("+`s`+") before,(or equal to, end ("+`e`+")")
def sort_periods_list(periods_list): # class SortTree() : def __init__(self,el): self.pivot=el self.smaller=None self.larger=None # def insert(el,tree=None): """ """ if tree is None : return SortTree(el) if (`tree.pivot`==`el`) : return tree # Discard identical periods if el.is_before(tree.pivot) : tree.smaller=insert(el,tree.smaller) else : tree.larger =insert(el,tree.larger ) return tree # def walk(tree): if tree is None : return [] rep=walk(tree.smaller) rep.append(tree.pivot) rep.extend(walk(tree.larger)) return rep # import copy clist=copy.copy(periods_list) sorted_tree=SortTree(clist.pop()) while clist : insert(clist.pop(),sorted_tree) return walk(sorted_tree) def merge_periods(remain_to_merge, already_merged=[]): if already_merged==[] : if len (remain_to_merge) <2 : return remain_to_merge sorted=sort_periods_list(remain_to_merge) return merge_periods(sorted[1:], [sorted[0]]) if len(remain_to_merge) > 0 : last=already_merged[-1] next_one=remain_to_merge.pop(0) #print "last.end=",last.end,"next.start=",next_one.start #if (last.end == next_one.start) : # already_merged[-1]=cperiod(last.start,next_one.end) if (next_one.start <= last.end) : if next_one.end > last.end : # the next period is not entirely included in the # last merged one already_merged[-1]=cperiod(last.start,next_one.end) else: # There is no overlap between both periods already_merged.append(next_one) # if len(remain_to_merge) > 0 : return merge_periods(remain_to_merge, already_merged) else: return already_merged class Climaf_Period_Error(Exception): def __init__(self, valeur): self.valeur = valeur clogger.error(self.__str__()) dedent(100) def __str__(self): return `self.valeur`