.. _experts_corner: --------------- Experts' corner --------------- ..to change formatter for log messages on stderr and log file -------------------------------------------------------------- The Formatter of the Logger is initialized with the format string: '%(levelname)-8s : %(message)s'. If you want to have a more verbose Formatter, the function 'climaf.clogging.log_e()' allows to switch with the following format string: '[%(funcName)-10.10s : %(filename)-10s, L. %(lineno)-4d] : %(levelname)-8s : %(message)s' For that, type : >>> climaf.clogging.clogger=climaf.clogging.log_e() And reset the verbosity level for CliMAF log messages on stderr and/or for log file; e.g. >>> clog(level="info") >>> clog_file(level="info") >>> csync() # For an example of log message [csync : cache.py , L. 348 ] : info : No cache index file yet If you want to return back to the standard format, you have to proceed in the same way but with the function 'climaf.clogging.log_l()', i.e. : >>> climaf.clogging.clogger=climaf.clogging.log_l() >>> clog(level="info") >>> clog_file(level="info") >>> csync() # For an example info : No cache index file yet