.. _requirements: Requirements and ackowledgements --------------------------------- This is a natural place for acknowledging the unvaluable contribution by the tools/packages listed below, with a special thanks to CDO 2015: Climate Data Operators. Available at: http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/cdo - Python version 2.7, with one NetCDF package (either Scientific.IO.NetCDF, or NETCDF4 or scipy.io.netcdf) - `ImageMagick `_ (modules : convert, identify) ; this is usually included in Linux distributions - `nco `_ (ncatted, ncdump, ncwa, ncrcat) - `cdo `_ - `Ncl 6.3.0 `_ (Ncl >= 6.1.2 may work, nevertheless) - Data files must be `CF compliant `_ - `exiv2 `_ (Image metadata manipulation tool); exiv2 is a program to read and write Exif, IPTC, XMP metadata and image comments. Optional - `ncview `_ If wanting to build or modify CliMAF documentation : - Sphinx : - executable 'sphinx-build' - package sphinxcontrib.napoleon