ccdfvT : computes the time average values for V.T, V.S, U.T and U.S

Computes the time average values for second order products V.T, V.S, U.T and U.S used in heat and salt transport computation. This is the wrapping around a modified version of the native cdfvT operator (adapted to set 4 files with only one variable in input) assuming its usage is:

cdfvT T-file S-file U-file V-file [-o output_file ] [-nc4 ]
... 'list_of_tags'

There are not CliMAF optional arguments.

References :

Provider / contact : climaf at meteo dot fr for the wrapping

Inputs (in the order of CliMAF call): 4 datasets

  • a dataset with temperature [T-file]
  • a dataset with salinity [S-file]
  • a dataset with zonal velocity component [U-file]
  • a dataset with meridional velocity component [V-file]

Mandatory arguments: None

Optional arguments: None

Required files: None


  • main output : a netcdf file (variables : vozout, vozous, vomevt and vomevs)

Climaf call example:: For more examples which are systematically tested, see and

>>> cdef("period","198807")
>>> dt=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="thetao", realm="O") # dataset with temperature
>>> ds=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="so", realm="O") # dataset with salinity
>>> du=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="uo", realm="O") # dataset with zonal velocity component
>>> dv=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="vo", realm="O") # dataset with meridional velocity component
>>> my_cdfvT=ccdfvT(dt,ds,du,dv)
>>> cfile(my_cdfvT) # to compute the time average values for V.T, V.S, U.T and U.S

Implementation: The operator is implemented as a binary using cdftools cdfvT operator.

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ccdftransport : computes the transports accross a section

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ccdfvar : computes the spatial variance of field (2D or 3D)

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