ccdo2 : sk invoke CDO with a bianry operator (i.e. on two datasets)

Apply CDO on two datasets or objects, with a CDO operator as argument

References :

Provider / contact : climaf at meteo dot fr

Input : any object or dataset

Mandatory argument:

  • operator : a CDO unary operator (as e.g. div, mul ...)

Output : the result of CDO operator

Climaf call example

>>> ds1= .... #some dataset, with whatever variable
>>> ds2= .... #some dataset, with whatever variable
>>> ds1_ds2=ccdo2(ds1,ds2,operator='mul')

Side effects : none

Implementation : using cscript(‘ccdo2’,’cdo ${operator} ${in_1} ${in_2} ${out}’)

Note : because the choice of operator is left to the user, CliMAF assumes that the output has squeezed dimension(s) over time or space (and hence will not attempt to re-use this output for extracting a sub-period or sub-domain)

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ccdo : invoke CDO with a unary operator

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ccdo_ens : invoke CDO with a unary operator on an ensemble of datasets

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