ncpdq: netCDF Permute Dimensions Quickly

Permute dimensions of a variable.

References :

Provider / contact : climaf at meteo dot fr

Inputs : any dataset (but only one)

Mandatory arguments:
  • arg : ncpdq arguments (as e.g. -a lon,lat ...)
Optional arguments:
  • none

Output : the dataset with permuted dimensions

Climaf call example:

>>> cdef("frequency","monthly")
>>> cdef("period","198001")
>>> tas=ds(project="example", simulation="AMIPV6ALB2G", variable="tas")
>>> # Show dimension order of 'tas' variable => tas(time, lat, lon)
>>> ncdump(tas)
>>> # Permute dimension lat and lon
>>> tas_permute=ncpdq(tas,arg="-a lon,lat")
>>> # Show dimension order of 'tas' variable after permutation => tas(time, lon, lat)
>>> ncdump(tas_permute)

Side effects : none

Implementation : using NCO with operator ncpdq

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