Notes :

  • Underlining, tabs, ‘::’ and double multiply signs are ReST construct that you should keep for a nice rendering
  • The first two lines give a title, which must be the CliMAF operator name, and a summary sentence
  • The Rest ‘single’ emphasis, namely text between single multiply signs (or showing in italics) is used here for the comments indicating how to use the template

my_new_climaf_operator : what it does

You should here describe in one or two phrases what the new operator computes

References : any bibliographic reference or link to technical documents

Provider / contact : one or two mail adresses, for acknowledgment and/or for support - In order to limit spamming, use e.g. : myself at mylab dot fr. You may use : climaf at meteo dot fr , if you do not want to be involved in support, nor feedback

Inputs (in the order of CliMAF call):
  • describe here if the first (main) input dataset can be any geophysical variable case of a generic operator) or must be some specific variable
  • do the same for next inputs, if the operator do use multiple input datasets
Mandatory arguments:
  • argument1 : describe the semantics of <argument1>, if any
  • do the same for all arguments
Optional arguments
  • ...
Outputs :
  • main output : describe the content of main output, with further details than in the general description of the operator
  • secondary outputs and their names (if any) :
    • sec_out_nam : describe the content of <sec_out_nam>

provide a typical example of calling this operator using CliMAF

Climaf call example

>>> ds= ....some dataset
>>> m = my_new_climaf_operator(ds, argument1='abcd')
>>> secondary_ouput = m.sec_out_nam

Side effects : describe side effects if any (e.g. showing a figure, creating temporary files); Note : side effects do not match CliMAF’s spirit

Implementation : you may provide some details on how the operator is implemented : as a script, a binary, using such and such tools or libraries ... This is useful for somebody considering to embark on improving the operator

CliMAF call sequence pattern (for reference) : copy here the second argument of the call to CliMAF function cscript which declares the operator to CliMAF, and which will drive the match between the arguments in CliMAF call and the arguments provided to the script/binary

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