Future steps and wish list --------------------------- The next developments will adress, possibly in that order : - adding graphic operators or features : - vectors on scalar fields - Hoevmoeller diagram - Taylor diagram - interfacing the Drakkar community CDFtools - managing masks (e.g. for ocean, tropics, lakes, oceanic basins ...) - handling geographical domains which are lists of locations - chunking : automatically splitting e.g. the time dimension when processing a dataset (provided memory issues actually call for that) - further cache management functions : - add a grading scheme on cache results : a value is set by the user, and used as a criterion to protect some data when cleaning the cache - use a hierarchy of cache locations, some being shared among various users - figure pages sharing a single, common palette The wish list, is the list of features wich priority is lesser; you may complement it by sending suggestions to ``climaf at meteo dot fr`` : - use CliMAF as a data browser - develop a fast remapping operator (provided there is some evidence that CDO reampping was sub-optimal) - add to every result file some metadata regarding the basic data files used at the origin of all processing : creation date, version number if applicable - a built-in arithmetics on datasets - manage operators which provide multi-variable NetCDF files