ccdfstdmoy : computes the standard deviation and mean value of any variable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computes the standard deviation and mean value of any variable. This computation is direct and does not required a pre-processing with any of the cdfmoy tools. This is the wrapping around the native cdfstd operator assuming its usage is:: cdfstd [-save] **[-spval0]** **[-nomissincl]** **[-stdopt]** ... list_of_files CliMAF optional arguments are the ones surrounded with '**'. See also: - :doc:`ccdfstd ` for only getting the standard deviation of the variable **References** : **Provider / contact** : climaf at meteo dot fr for the wrapping **Inputs** (in the order of CliMAF call): - any dataset forming a time-series (but only one) **Mandatory arguments**: None **Optional arguments**: - ``opt`` may be used to pass following keys : - ``-spval0`` : set missing_value attribute to 0 for all output variables and take care of the input missing_value. This option is usefull if missing_values differ from files to files - ``-nomissincl`` : with this option, the output std and mean are set to missing value at any gridpoint where the variable contains a missing value for at least one timestep. You should combine with -spval0 if missing values are not 0 in all the input files - ``-stdopt`` : use a more optimal algorithm to compute std and std is unbiased **Required files**: None **Outputs**: - main output : a netcdf file for standard deviation (variable : IN-var_std, same units than input variables) - secondary outputs and their names : - ``moy`` : field mean value (variable: IN-var, same units than input variables) **Climaf call example**:: For more examples which are systematically tested, see :download:` <../../examples/>` >>> duo=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="uo", period="199807", realm="O") # some dataset, with whatever variable >>> my_cdfstd_moy=ccdfstdmoy(duo) >>> cfile(my_cdfstd_moy) # compute the mean value and standard deviation of "uo" field (sea water velocity) >>> moy_var=my_cdfstd_moy.moy # moy_var receives operator output named "moy", namely the field mean value **Implementation**: The operator is implemented as a binary using cdftools cdfstd operator.