ccdfvar : computes the spatial variance of field (2D or 3D) --------------------------------------------------------------- Computes the spatial variance of a 2D or 3D field. This is the wrapping around the native cdfmean operator assuming its usage is:: cdfmean IN-file IN-var T|U|V|F|W **[imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax]** ... **[-full]** [-var] [-zeromean] CliMAF optional arguments are the ones surrounded with '**'. If a spatial window is specified, the spatial variance is computed only in this window. See also: - :doc:`ccdfvar_profile ` for getting a vertical profile of spatial variance for each level for 3D fields **References** : **Provider / contact** : climaf at meteo dot fr for the wrapping **Inputs** (in the order of CliMAF call): - any dataset (but only one) **Mandatory argument**: - ``pos_grid`` : position of cdfvar on the C-grid : T|U|V|F|W **Optional arguments**: - ``imin``, ``imax``, ``jmin``, ``jmax``, ``kmin``, ``kmax`` : for defining spatial windows - ``opt`` : may be used to pass key ``-full`` (compute the mean for full steps, instead of default partial steps) **Required files**: Files,, must be in the current directory (use function :py:func:`~climaf.operators.fixed_fields()` for that; see example below). **Outputs**: - main output : a netcdf file (variable : var_3D_cdfvar) **Climaf call example**:: For more examples which are systematically tested, see :download:` <../../examples/>` >>> # How to get required files for cdftools cdfmean binary >>> fixed_fields('ccdfvar', ... ('', '/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/'), ... ('','/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/'), ... ('','/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/')) >>> duo=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="uo", period="199807", realm="O") # some dataset, with whatever variable >>> my_cdfvar=ccdfvar(duo,pos_grid='U') >>> cfile(my_cdfvar) # to compute the spatial variance and get a filename with the result >>> my_cdfvar2=ccdfvar(duo,pos_grid='U',opt='-full') >>> cfile(my_cdfvar2) >>> my_cdfvar3=ccdfvar(duo,pos_grid='U',imin=100,imax=102,jmin=117,jmax=118,kmin=1,kmax=2) >>> cfile(my_cdfvar3) **Implementation**: The operator is implemented as a binary using cdftools cdfmean operator.