.. _standard_operators: Standard operators and functions --------------------------------- CliMAF includes a number of 'Standard Operators' and of 'Object Functions', which implement more or less basic climate diagnostics or utilities: - All do return CliMAF objects. - Operators are implemented as external scripts or binaries, while 'object functions' are implemented as python functions. - operators can be used to define derived variables using function :py:func:`~climaf.operators_derive.derive`, while 'object functions' cannot Other functions exists, which do not return CliMAF objects (and are not called 'object functions') - see :doc:`API` The set of standard operators grows with scientists contributions (see :ref:`how_to_contribute_a_script`). They are documented here, through individual documentation files in `REStructured Text format `_ and following :download:`this example ` which renders :doc:`as shows here `. For each operator, the content of the doc file is also made available in the Python on-line help (see :ref:`how_to_list_operators`). Documented operators and 'object functions' as of today: - arithmetic operations provided as 'object functions': - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.fadd` - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.fsub` - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.fmul` - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.fdiv` - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.apply_scale_offset` - arithmetic operations provided as operators: - :doc:`scripts/plus` - :doc:`scripts/minus` - :doc:`scripts/multiply` - :doc:`scripts/divide` - swiss knives |sk|: - :doc:`scripts/ccdo` - :doc:`scripts/ccdo2` - :doc:`scripts/ccdo_ens` - climate data operators: - spatial operations: - :doc:`scripts/llbox` - :doc:`scripts/space_average` - object function :py:func:`~climaf.functions.zonmean` - regridding: - :doc:`scripts/regrid` - :doc:`scripts/regridn` - :doc:`scripts/regridll` - object function :py:func:`~climaf.functions.lonlatpres_interpolation` - :doc:`scripts/ml2pl` - object functions computing a difference with regridding (typically to compute model biases): - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.diff_regrid` - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.diff_regridn` - :py:func:`~climaf.functions.diff_zonmean` - temporal operations: - :doc:`scripts/time_average` - object function :py:func:`~climaf.functions.clim_average` - object function :py:func:`~climaf.functions.annual_cycle` - statistical operators: - :doc:`scripts/cLinearRegression` - Others: - :doc:`scripts/slice` - :doc:`scripts/mask` - :doc:`scripts/ncpdq` - operators for creating figures: .. note:: Overview on the output format to be used for 'plot' and 'curves' operators w.r.t. figure trimming: - If you want a **PNG** figure, **you just have to call 'plot' or 'curves'**, and argument 'trim' allows to remove extra white space. Note that resolution unit is in pixels - If you want a **PDF** or **EPS** output figure, **you may need a further step** to remove extra white space: you have to use 'cpdfcrop' or 'cepscrop' operator (which are slow) respectively, after the figure plot. Note that resolution unit is in inches or using a standard paper size by name .. _note_on_figure_pages: .. note:: Overview on method to create **a page with several CliMAF figures**: - :py:func:`~climaf.classes.cpage`: this operator creates a PNG or PDF page of figures array using 'ImageMagick', figures adjustment in the page is adapted to figures size. If you use 'cpage', you don't need any pre-processing because: - 1/ argument 'fig_trim' allows to trim extra white space of each figure; - 2/ argument 'page_trim' allows to trim extra white space for the page - :py:func:`~climaf.classes.cpage_pdf`: this operator creates a PDF page of figures array using 'pdfjam', figures adjustment in each array cell is automatically centered, you can't adjust figures differently. So if you use 'cpage_pdf', you may need to do pre and post-treatment because: - 1/ there is no argument 'fig_trim' allowing you to trim extra white space when generating pdf figures, so you must apply 'cpdfcrop' before cpage_pdf (on all figures) - 2/ there is no argument 'page_trim' allowing you to trim extra white space when generating the page, so you must use 'cpdfcrop' on its output **So, to create an array of figures:** - If you want an **PNG** output figure: you should use **'cpage'**. If quality is not sufficient, increase resolution of each figure (with argument 'resolution' of 'curves' or 'plot' operator) and also page resolution (with arguments 'page_width' and 'page_height' of 'cpage') - If you want an **PDF** output figure: you can use either 'cpage_pdf' or 'cpage': - **'cpage_pdf'** is highly recommended - if you want to have more control on figures adjustment in the page, use **'cpage'** and increase resolution of each figure and also of output page .. _graphic_operators: - :doc:`scripts/plot` - :py:func:`~climaf.plot.plot_params.plot_params` - :doc:`scripts/curves` - :doc:`scripts/ensemble_ts_plot` - :py:func::`~climaf.function.ts_plot` - :doc:`scripts/hovm` - :py:func:`~climaf.plot.plot_params.hovm_params` - :doc:`scripts/cpdfcrop` - :doc:`scripts/cepscrop` - example for two outputs: - :doc:`scripts/mean_and_std` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 cdftools .. |sk| image:: swiss_knife_50.png Albeit this is not a proper practice, **some more operators may exist in your CliMAF release** which would not be documented here. Please see :ref:`how_to_list_operators` for such cases A name-sorted list: .. toctree:: :glob: /scripts/*