Functions returning CliMAF objects

Except for the first three paragraphs, this section is for advanced use. As a first step, you should consider using the built-in data definitions described at projects. You may need to come back to this section for reference

cscalar : returns a scalar value (float) in python (using cMA)

fadd : add two CliMAF objects or a CliMAF object and a constant

fsub : subtract two CliMAF objects or a CliMAF object and a constant

fmul : multiply two CliMAF objects or a CliMAF object and a constant

fdiv : divide two CliMAF objects or a CliMAF object and a constant

apply_scale_offset : Returns a CliMAF object after applying a scale and offset

diff_regrid : Regrids dat1 on dat2 and returns the difference between dat1 and dat2

diff_regridn : Regrids dat1 and dat2 on a chosen cdogrid (default is n90) and returns the difference between dat1 and dat2

annual_cycle : Computes the annual cycle as the 12 climatological months of dat

clim_average : Computes climatological averages on the annual cycle of a dataset

lonlatvert_interpolation : Interpolates a lon/lat/pres field (two possible ways)

zonmean : Return the zonal mean field of dat

diff_zonmean : Returns the zonal mean bias of dat1 against dat2 (based on lonlatpres_interpolation)