ccdfmxlheatcm : computes the heat content in the mixed layer (mono-variable input file)

Computes the heat content in the mixed layer (Joules/m2). This is the wrapping around the native cdfmxlheatc operator assuming its usage is:

cdfmxlheatc T-file **[-full]**

CliMAF optional argument is the only argument available, surrounded with ‘**’.

References :

Provider / contact : climaf at meteo dot fr for the wrapping

Inputs (in the order of CliMAF call):

  • a dataset with temperature (gridT)
  • a dataset with mld (gridT)

Mandatory arguments: None

Optional argument:

  • opt : may be used to pass key -full (for full step configurations, default is partial step)

Required files: Files, must be in the current directory (use function fixed_fields() for that; see example below).


  • main output : a netcdf file (variable : somxlheatc (Joules/m2))

Climaf call example:: For more examples which are systematically tested, see

>>> # How to get required files for cdftools cdfmxlheatc binary
>>> fixed_fields('ccdfmxlheatcm',
 ... ('',    '/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/'),
 ... ('','/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/'))
>>> dtho=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="thetao", period="199807", realm="O") # dataset with temperature
>>> dmldx=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="omlmax", period="199807", realm="O") # dataset with mld
>>> my_cdfmxlheatc=ccdfmxlheatcm(dtho,dmldx)
>>> cfile(my_cdfmxlheatc) # to compute the heat content in the mixed layer and get a filename with the result

Implementation: The operator is implemented as a binary using cdftools cdfmxlheatc operator.