ccdfvar_profile : computes the vertical profile of spatial variance for 3D fields

Computes the vertical profile of spatial variance for 3D fields. This is the wrapping around the native cdfmean operator assuming its usage is:

cdfmean  IN-file IN-var T|U|V|F|W **[imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax]**
... **[-full]** [-var] [-zeromean]

CliMAF optional arguments are the ones surrounded with ‘**’.

If a spatial window is specified, the vertical profile is computed only in this window.

References :

Provider / contact : climaf at meteo dot fr for the wrapping

Inputs (in the order of CliMAF call):

  • any dataset (but only one)

Mandatory argument:

  • pos_grid : position of cdfvar on the C-grid : T|U|V|F|W

Optional arguments:

  • imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax : for defining spatial windows
  • opt : may be used to pass key -full (compute the mean for full steps, instead of default partial steps)

Required files: Files,, must be in the current directory(use function fixed_fields() for that; see example below).


  • main output : a netcdf file (variable : var_cdfvar)

Climaf call example:: For more examples which are systematically tested, see

>>> # How to get required files for cdftools cdfmean binary
>>> fixed_fields('ccdfvar_profile',
 ... ('',    '/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/'),
 ... ('','/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/'),
 ... ('','/data/climaf/${project}/${model}/'))
>>> duo=ds(simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="uo", period="199807", realm="O") # some dataset, with whatever variable
>>> my_cdfvar_prof=ccdfvar_profile(duo,pos_grid='U')
>>> cfile(my_cdfvar_prof) # to compute the vertical profile of spatial variance and get a filename with the result
>>> my_cdfvar_prof2=ccdfvar_profile(duo,pos_grid='U',opt='-full')
>>> cfile(my_cdfvar_prof2)
>>> my_cdfvar_prof3=ccdfvar_profile(duo,pos_grid='U',imin=100,imax=102,jmin=117,jmax=118,kmin=1,kmax=2)
>>> cfile(my_cdfvar_prof3)

Implementation: The operator is implemented as a binary using cdftools cdfmean operator.