plot: map, cross-section and profile plot of one or two fields, and vectors plot over a map

Plot a map, a cross section (pressure-lat or pressure-lon), or a profile (along lat, lon or pressure/z_index ) of one or two fields and draw vectors plot over a map, using NCL, and allowing for tuning a number of graphic attributes


Provider / contact: climaf at meteo dot fr

Inputs (in the order of CliMAF call):

  • a dataset for main field which can be up to 4-dimensional

Additional fields (optional, and in that order; replace with empty strings if needed):

  • a dataset for an auxiliary field which can be up to 4-dimensional
  • 2 datasets for a vector field which can be up to 4-dimensional
  • another auxilliary scalar field which can be up to 4-dimensional (and which is refered using keyword shade2 further below)


  • Order of all data dimensions is supposed to be time, height, lat, lon. Only first time step is used for 4D or 3D fields if there is no specified extraction. Only the first vertical dimension is used if height is the first coordinate, if there is no specified level extraction and if the two other dimensions are not degenerated.
  • Order of input datasets is supposed to be main field, auxiliary field and vectors datasets. The last ones can be omitted. If you want to omit the scalar field but not the verctor components, use value None for the scalar dataset

Mandatory arguments: None

Optional arguments (see also More plot optional arguments )


  • title: string for graphic title; default: no title

    Remarks: the ~ character has a special meaning in NCL strings. It represents a function code. See function codes example page for (more) examples of function codes. Particularly:

    • The ~C~ will put a carriage return to the title. By default it is left justified. If you need it centered, you will have to add spaces.
    • Use a ~Z#~ to resize text in mid-stream. The # refers to the percent of normal.
  • format: graphic output format, either ‘png’, ‘pdf’ or ‘eps’; default: ‘png’. For ‘png’ format, all the surrounding extra white space are cropped with optional argument trim (but not for ‘pdf’ or ‘eps’ format). In case of ‘pdf’ or ‘eps’ format, if you want to trim extra white space, use ‘cpdfcrop’ (which is ‘pdfcrop’ tool) or ‘cepscrop’ operator respectively.

  • trim: set it to True if you want to crop all the surrounding extra white space for ‘png’ format; default: True.

  • resolution: string for output image resolution

    • if format is “png”, resolution specifies the width and height of resultant image in pixels as e.g. 800x1200; default (ncl): 1024x1024
    • if format is “pdf” or “eps”, resolution specifies either the width and height of the paper, as above but in inches unit, or a standard paper size by name, as e.g. ‘A4’. Ncl uses a resolution of 72 dots per inch (dpi); default (ncl): 8.5x11 or “letter” (<=> 612x792 pixels)
  • y: y axis style

    • “lin” (default): data-linear spacing, or
    • “index”: index-linear spacing, or
    • “log”: logarithmic scale
  • proj: use it to request a stereopolar projection, as e.g.: “NH”,”SH60”… default: cylindrical equidistant (or native grid, see further below and example Climaf call example). The values allowed for the parameter proj are:

    • “NH”/”SH” for northern/southern hemisphere polar stereographic (can be followed by the limiting latitude of the map (e.g. “NH40” for a limiting latitude of 40 degrees)
    • a projection defined in NCL such as “CylindricalEquidistant”, “Robinson”, “Mollweidethe”…. The allowed values are listed here:

    If you want to turn off the data re-projection when model is already on a known native grid (currently Lambert only):

    • you must not use argument proj,
    • and you must proceed as explained at Optional files.
  • focus: set it to ‘land’ (resp. ‘ocean’) if you want to plot only on land (resp. ocean)

  • xpolyline, ypolyline: for adding a polyline to the plot; set xpolyline and ypolyline to a list of the same length containing the X and Y coordinates of the polyline, respectively.

    If you are adding the polyline to a map, then X should correspond to longitude values, and Y to latitude values, as e.g.: xpolyline = “-90.0, -45.0, -45.0, -90.0, -90.0”, ypolyline = “30.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0”. For more details, see:

  • date, time, level: for selecting date, time and/or level. These arguments apply on all fields (from 2D to 4D) which have time and/or level dimension. Set it to,

    • for time and level:
      • an integer if you want to select an index (first index is 0),
      • or a float if you want to select closest coordinate value. Warning: For time, if the value has more than six digits, there is big rounding errors.
    • for date:
      • a string in the format ‘YYYY’, ‘YYYYMM’, ‘YYYYMMDD’ or ‘YYYYMMDDHH’ e.g.: date =19810131.
    • default: for 4D fields (e.g. if we have non-degenerated dimensions (t,z,y,x)), select the first time step; for 3D fields, select first step of first coordinate (time or level).


    • time and date arguments are incompatible;
    • if you use both date (or time) and level arguments for 2D fields which have time and level dimensions, it is the time extraction will be made.
  • options, aux_options, shading_options, shade2_options polyline_options : strings for setting NCL graphic resources directly, for the various fields (resources are separated by “|”). These lists have higher priority than the CliMAF default ones. Each field has its own options argument, e.g. :

    • options for main field and vectors, e.g. : ‘options=”tiMainString=lv|gsnContourLineThicknessesScale=2|vcLineArrowColor=yellow”’
    • aux_options for auxiliary field, e.g. : ‘aux_options=”gsnContourPosLineDashPattern=1|gsnContourLineThicknessesScale=2”’
    • shading_options for auxiliary field shading, e.g.: ‘shading_options=”gsnShadeHigh=3|gsnShadeLow=5”’
    • polyline_options for adding a polyline to the plot, e.g. : ‘polyline_options=”gsLineColor=blue|gsLineThicknessF=2.0”’

    Warning: do not put space inside these lists.

    For more details, see:

  • fmt: a string specifying the format of the tick labels for time axis in case of (t,z) profiles. This string is parsed as follows: the ‘%’ acts as the escape character. The single character after every ‘%’ is formatted according to the rule described here:

    In case fmt is absent, a minimal algorithm exists which tries to determine the format string depending on the time range length.

Main field:

  • colormap and its interpretation :
  • color: name of the Ncl colormap to use; see e.g. ; default (climaf) is ‘BlueDarkRed18’. If you want to define your own color map using named colors (be sure to include the background and foreground colors), color must be a list of named colors separated by comma, e.g. color = “white,black,White,RoyalBlue,LightSkyBlue,PowderBlue,lightseagreen,PaleGreen,Wheat,Brown,Pink”. See also plot_params()
  • either :
    • min, max, delta: min and max values and levels when applying the colormap (or setting the axis for profiles). See also plot_params()
    • or``colors``: list of levels used when applying colormap e.g. colors=”260 270 280 290”
  • reverse: set it to True to reverse colormap; default: False.
  • scale, offset: for scaling the input main field (x -> x*scale + offset); default = 1. and 0. (no scaling)
  • units: name of the main field units; used in the caption; default is to use the corresponding CF metadata
  • mpCenterLonF: define the longitude of the center of the map projection coordinate system; see e.g. ; default (climaf): (minimum longitude+maximum longitude)/2.

Main field and/or auxiliary field:

  • contours:
    • If plotting only a main field:
      • set it to 1 if you want to draw contours which follow color filled contours, or
      • set it to a list of levels used when drawing contours e.g. contours=”230 240 250”
    • If plotting a main field and an auxiliary field: only the contours of the auxiliary field are drawn

First auxiliary field:

  • shade_below, shade_above: shade contour regions for values lower than (resp. higher than) the threshold, using a pattern (default pattern number is 17; see for all patterns). Warning: NCL shading depends on the list of levels used for drawing contours. For example, if contours=”0 1 2 4 6” and if you set shade_below=1, you will get a shaded region [0,1]; while if contours=”0 2 4 6”, no region will be shaded because there is no full contours intervals which entirely match the constraints ‘less than 1’
  • scale_aux, offset_aux: for scaling the input auxiliary field (x -> x*scale_aux + offset_aux); default = 1. and 0. (no scaling)


Second auxiliary field:

  • shade2_below, shade2_above: see similar options just above. For instance, for stippling above field value 0.9: ‘shade2_options=”gsnShadeHigh=17|gsnShadeFill=0.025|gsnShadeFillDotSizeF=0.003”’ and ‘shade2_above=0.9’
Required files
  • If rotation is set to 1, file ‘’ must be made available to the script: use function fixed_fields() for that (see example below). For an example of this file and the script which creates this file: see and angle.ncl

Optional files

  • If you want to turn off the data re-projection when model is already on a grid known to the plot script (as e.g. Lambert), you should provide the metadata for this grid by bringing to the script a file which includes it, and is locally named ‘’. You do that using function fixed_fields(). Such file is not included with CliMAF and must be sought by user. See example Climaf call example. In this case, if you also want to plot an auxiliary field, this second field must be on the same grid as the main field.
Outputs :
  • main output: a PNG or PDF or EPS figure

Climaf call example For more examples which are systematically tested, see and

  • Maps

    >>> duo=ds(project="EM",simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="uo", period="199807", realm="O")
    >>> dvo=ds(project="EM",simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="vo", period="199807", realm="O")
    >>> tos=ds(project="EM",simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="tos", period="199807", realm="O")
    >>> # Extraction of 'tos' sub box for auxiliary field
    >>> sub_tos=llbox(tos, latmin=30, latmax=80, lonmin=-60, lonmax=0)
    >>> # How to get required file for rotate vectors from model grid on geographic grid
    >>> fixed_fields('plot', ('',cpath+"/../tools/angle_${project}.nc"))
    >>> # A Map of one field and vectors, contours lines follows color fill, rotation of vectors on geographic grid, with 'pdf' output format
    >>> # and paper resolution of 17x22 inches (<=> 1224x1584 pixels)
    >>> plot_map1=plot(tos, None, duo, dvo, title='1 field (contours lines follow color filled contours) + vectors',
    ... contours=1, rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002, vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02, format="pdf", resolution='17*22')
    >>> cshow(plot_map1)
    >>> # 'cpdfcrop' operator applied on 'plot_map1' object ('cpdfcrop' <=> 'pdfcrop' by preserving metadata)
    >>> cshow(cpdfcrop(plot_map1))
    >>> # A Map of one field and vectors, user-controlled contours lines, rotation as above, and  with 'png' output format (default)
    >>> plot_map2=plot(tos, None, duo, dvo, title='1 field (user control contours) + vectors', contours='1 3 5 7 9 11 13',
    ... proj='NH', rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002, vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02)
    >>> # A Map of two fields and vectors, with explicit contours levels and shading for auxiliary field, rotation of vectors
    >>> # and graphic resources defined by user for auxiliary field
    >>> plot_map3=plot(tos, sub_tos, duo, dvo, title='2 fields (user control auxiliary field contours) + vectors',
    ... rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002, vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02,
    ... contours='0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16', shade_above=6, shade_below=4,
    ... auxfld_options="gsnContourPosLineDashPattern=1|gsnContourLineThicknessesScale=2",
    ... shading_options="gsnShadeHigh=3|gsnShadeLow =5")
    >>> # A Map of two fields and vectors, with automatic contours levels for auxiliary field and rotation of vectors
    >>> plot_map4=plot(tos, sub_tos, duo, dvo, title='2 fields (automatic contours levels for auxiliary field) + vectors',
    ... proj="NH", rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002, vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02, vcMinDistanceF=0.01, vcLineArrowColor="yellow")
    >>> # A Map of two fields and vectors, with index selection of time step and/or level step for all fields which have this dimension :
    >>> # time selection has no impact for vectors because time dimension is degenerated, so only level selection is done for vectors
    >>> thetao=ds(project="EM",simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="thetao", period="1998", realm="O") # thetao(time_counter, deptht, y, x)
    >>> sub_thetao=llbox(thetao, latmin=30, latmax=80, lonmin=-60, lonmax=0)
    >>> plot_map5=plot(thetao, sub_thetao, duo, dvo, title='Selecting index 10 for level and 0 for time', rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002,
    ... vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02, level=10, time=0)
    >>> # Same as above but with date selection, and addition of a box
    >>> plot_map6=plot(thetao, sub_thetao, duo, dvo, title='Selecting index 10 for level and 19980131 for date', rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002,
    ... vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02, level=10, date=19980131,
    ... xpolyline="45.0, 90.0, 90.0, 45.0, 45.0",ypolyline="30.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0", polyline_options='gsLineColor=blue')
>>> # A Map without data re-projection (model is already on a known native Lambert grid):
>>> tas=fds('/cnrm/est/COMMON/climaf/test_data/ALADIN/', period='197901-201112', variable='tas')
>>> moy_tas=time_average(tas) # time average of 'tas'
>>> # without bringing to the script the file which includes metadata for the native Lambert grid
>>> # => with default cylindrical equidistant projection
>>> plot_proj=plot(moy_tas,title='ALADIN',min=-12,max=28,delta=2.5,vcb=False)
>>> cshow(plot_proj)
>>> # How to get required file which includes metadata for the native Lambert grid named ''
>>> fixed_fields('plot', ('','/cnrm/est/COMMON/climaf/test_data/ALADIN/'))
>>> # with bringing to the script this file => with default native grid (no re-projection)
>>> cdrop(plot_proj) # to re-compute 'proj'
>>> cshow(plot_proj)
>>> # with a "NH" projection
>>> plot_projNH=plot(moy_tas,title='ALADIN - NH40',min=-12,max=28,delta=2.5,proj="NH40")
>>> cshow(plot_projNH)
  • Cross-sections

    >>> january_ta=ds(project='example',simulation="AMIPV6ALB2G", variable="ta", frequency='monthly', period="198001")
    >>> ta_zonal_mean=ccdo(january_ta,operator="zonmean")
    >>> # Extraction of 'january_ta' sub box for auxiliary field
    >>> cross_field2=llbox(january_ta, latmin=10, latmax=90, lonmin=50, lonmax=150)
    >>> ta_zonal_mean2=ccdo(cross_field2, operator="zonmean")
    >>> # A vertical cross-section in pressure coordinates of one field without contours lines and with logarithmic scale (y=log")
    >>> plot_cross1=plot(ta_zonal_mean, y="log", title='1 field cross-section without contours lines')
    >>> cshow(plot_cross1)
    >>> # A cross-section of one field, which contours lines following color fill
    >>> plot_cross2=plot(ta_zonal_mean, y="log", contours=1, title='1 field (contours lines follow color filled contours)')
    >>> # A cross-section of one field, with used-controlled contours lines
    >>> plot_cross3=plot(ta_zonal_mean, y="log", contours="240 245 250", title='1 field (user control contours)')
    >>> # A cross-section of two fields, with explicit contours levels for auxiliary field
    >>> plot_cross4=plot(ta_zonal_mean, ta_zonal_mean2, y="log", contours="240 245 250", title='2 fields (user control auxiliary field contours)')
    >>> # A cross-section of two fields, with automatic contours levels for auxiliary field and a pressure-linear spacing for vertical axis
    >>> plot_cross5=plot(ta_zonal_mean, ta_zonal_mean2, y="index", title='2 fields (automatic contours levels for auxiliary field)')
    >>> # A cross-section with value selection of time step for all fields which have this dimension
    >>> # time selection is done for main and auxiliary field
    >>> january_ta=ds(project='example',simulation="AMIPV6ALB2G", variable="ta", frequency='monthly', period="1980") # ta(time, plev, lat, lon)
    >>> ta_zonal_mean=ccdo(january_ta,operator="zonmean")
    >>> cross_field2=llbox(january_ta, latmin=10, latmax=90, lonmin=50, lonmax=150)
    >>> ta_zonal_mean2=ccdo(cross_field2, operator="zonmean")
    >>> plot_cross6=plot(ta_zonal_mean, ta_zonal_mean2, title='Selecting time closed to 3000', y="index", time=3000.)
  • Profiles

    >>> january_ta=ds(project='example',simulation="AMIPV6ALB2G", variable="ta", frequency='monthly', period="198001")
    >>> ta_zonal_mean=ccdo(january_ta,operator="zonmean")
    >>> # Extraction of 'january_ta' sub box for auxiliary field
    >>> cross_field2=llbox(january_ta, latmin=10, latmax=90, lonmin=50, lonmax=150)
    >>> ta_zonal_mean2=ccdo(cross_field2, operator="zonmean")
    >>> ta_profile=ccdo(ta_zonal_mean,operator="mermean")
    >>> ta_profile2=ccdo(ta_zonal_mean2,operator="mermean")
    >>> # One profile, with a logarithmic scale
    >>> plot_profile1=plot(ta_profile, y="log", title='A profile')
    >>> cshow(plot_profile1)
    >>> # Two profiles, with a data-linear spacing for vertical axis (default)
    >>> plot_profile2=plot(ta_profile, ta_profile2, title='Two profiles')

More optional arguments:

For map:

For cross-sections:

  • invXY: set it to True to invert X axis and Y axis; default (climaf): False
  • vcb: same as for map
  • lbLabelFontHeightF: same as for map
  • tmYLLabelFontHeightF: same as for map
  • tmXBLabelFontHeightF: same as for map
  • tmYRLabelFontHeightF: sets the font height of the Y-Axis right labels in NDC coordinates; default (ncl): <dynamic>; see e.g.
  • tiXAxisFontHeightF: same as for map
  • tiYAxisFontHeightF: same description as for map but different default; default (climaf): 0.024
  • tiMainFont: same as for map
  • tiMainFontHeightF: same as for map
  • tiMainPosition: same as for map
  • gsnLeftString: same as for map
  • gsnRightString: same as for map
  • gsnCenterString: same as for map
  • gsnStringFont: same as for map
  • gsnStringFontHeightF: same as for map

For profiles:

  • invXY: same as for cross-section
  • tmYLLabelFontHeightF: same description as for map but different default; default (climaf): 0.008
  • tmXBLabelFontHeightF: same description as for map but different default; default (climaf): 0.008
  • tiXAxisFontHeightF: same as for map
  • tiYAxisFontHeightF: same as for map
  • tiMainFontHeightF: same as for map
  • gsnLeftString: same as for map
  • gsnRightString: same as for map
  • gsnCenterString: same as for map

More climaf call example

  • Maps

    >>> duo=ds(project="EM",simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="uo", period="1998", realm="O")
    >>> dvo=ds(project="EM",simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="vo", period="1998", realm="O")
    >>> thetao=ds(project="EM",simulation="PRE6CPLCr2alb", variable="thetao", period="1998", realm="O")
    >>> sub_thetao=llbox(thetao, latmin=30, latmax=80, lonmin=-60, lonmax=0)
    >>> fixed_fields('plot', ('',cpath+"/../tools/angle_${project}.nc"))
    >>> map=plot(thetao, sub_thetao, duo, dvo, title='A map with some adjustments', rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002, vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02, level=10., time=0,
    >>> ... lbLabelFontHeightF=0.012, tmYLLabelFontHeightF=0.015, tmXBLabelFontHeightF=0.015,
    >>> ... tiMainFont="helvetica-bold", tiMainFontHeightF=0.022, tiMainPosition="Left", gsnLeftString="")
    >>> cshow(map)
    >>> # A map with stereopolar projection (=> 'gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF' replace 'tmYLLabelFontHeightF' and 'tmXBLabelFontHeightF')
    >>> map_proj=plot(thetao, sub_thetao, duo, dvo, title='A map with some adjustments', rotation=1, vcRefLengthF=0.002, vcRefMagnitudeF=0.02, level=10., time=0, proj="NH",
    >>> ... lbLabelFontHeightF=0.012, gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF=0.015,
    >>> ... tiMainFont="helvetica", tiMainFontHeightF=0.03, tiMainPosition="Left", gsnLeftString="")
  • Cross-sections

    >>> january_ta=ds(project='example', simulation="AMIPV6ALB2G", variable="ta", frequency='monthly', period="198001")
    >>> ta_zonal_mean=ccdo(january_ta, operator="zonmean")
    >>> cross=plot(ta_zonal_mean,title='A cross-section with some adjustments',
    >>> ... tiMainFont="helvetica",tiMainFontHeightF=0.030,tiMainPosition="Center", gsnStringFontHeightF=0.015)
  • Profiles

    >>> january_ta=ds(project='example', simulation="AMIPV6ALB2G", variable="ta", frequency='monthly', period="198001")
    >>> ta_zonal_mean=ccdo(january_ta, operator="zonmean")
    >>> ta_profile=ccdo(ta_zonal_mean, operator="mermean")
    >>> profile=plot(ta_profile, title='A profile with some adjustments', y="index",
    >>> ... invXY=True, tmXBLabelFontHeightF=0.01, tmYLLabelFontHeightF=0.01)

Side effects: None

Implementation: Basic use of ncl: gsn_csm_pres_hgt, gsn_csm_xy, gsn_csm_contour_map, gsn_csm_contour_map_ce, gsn_csm_contour, gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map, gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce