Source code for climaf.cmacro

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CliMAF macros module :

- define macros from CliMAF objects,
- find macro patterns in CRS expressions,
- rewrite CRS expressions,
- read/write macro set


from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import

import sys
import os
import types
import six

from env.clogging import clogger, dedent
from env.environment import *
from climaf.classes import cobject, cdataset, ctree, scriptChild, cpage, allow_error_on_ds, cens, cdummy

[docs]def macro(name, cobj, lobjects=[]): """ Define a CliMAF macro from a CliMAF compound object. Transform a Climaf object in a macro, replacing all datasets, and the objects of lobjects, by a dummy argument. Register it in dict cmacros, if name is not None Args: name (string) : the name you want to give to the macro; a Python function with the same name will be defined cobj (CliMAF object, or string) : any CliMAF object, usually the result of a series of operators, that you would like to repeat using other input datasets; alternatively, you can provide the macro formula as a string (when accustomed to the syntax) lobjects (list, optional): for expert use- a list of objects, which are sub-objects of cobject, and which should become arguments of the macro Returns: a macro; the returned value is usualy not used 'as is' : a python function is also defined in module cmacros and in main namespace, and you may use it in the same way as a CliMAF operator. All the datasets involved in ``cobj`` become arguments of the macro, which allows you to re-do the same computations and easily define objects similar to ``cobjs`` Example:: >>> # First use and combine CliMAF operators to get some interesting result using some dataset(s) >>> january_ta=ds(project='example',simulation='AMIPV6ALB2G',variable='ta',frequency='monthly',period='198001') >>> ta_europe=llbox(january_ta,latmin=40,latmax=60,lonmin=-15,lonmax=25) >>> ta_ezm=ccdo(ta_europe,operator='zonmean') >>> fig_ezm=plot(ta_ezm) >>> # >>> # Using this result as an example, define a macro named 'eu_cross_section', >>> # which arguments will be the datasets involved in this result >>> cmacro('eu_cross_section',fig_ezm) >>> # >>> # You can of course apply a macro to another dataset(s) (even here to a 2D variable) >>> pr=ds(project='example',simulation='AMIPV6ALB2G', variable='pr', frequency='monthly', period='198001') >>> pr_ezm=eu_cross_section(pr) >>> # >>> # All macros are registered in dictionary climaf.cmacro.cmacros, >>> # which is imported by climaf.api; you can list it by : >>> cmacros Note : macros are automatically saved in file ~/.climaf.macros, and can be edited See also much more explanations in the example at :download:` <../examples/>` """ if isinstance(cobj, six.string_types): s = cobj # Next line used for interpreting macros's CRS exec("from climaf.cmacro import cdummy; ARG=cdummy()", sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__) try: cobj = eval(cobj, sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__) except: # usually case of a CRS which project is not currently defined clogger.error( "Cannot interpret %s with the projects currently define" % s) return None # print "string %s was interpreted as %s"%(s,cobj) domatch = False for o in lobjects: domatch = domatch or cobj == o or \ (isinstance(cobj, cobject) and cobj.buildcrs() == o.buildcrs()) if isinstance(cobj, cdataset) or isinstance(cobj, cdummy) or domatch: return cdummy() elif isinstance(cobj, ctree): rep = ctree(cobj.operator, cobj.script, *list(map(macro, [None] * len(cobj.operands), cobj.operands)), **cobj.parameters) elif isinstance(cobj, scriptChild): rep = scriptChild(macro(None, cobj.father), cobj.varname) elif isinstance(cobj, cpage): rep = cpage([list(map(macro, [None] * len(line), line)) for line in cobj.fig_lines], cobj.widths, cobj.heights) elif isinstance(cobj, cens): d = dict() for k, v in zip(list(cobj), map(macro, [None] * len(cobj.values()), cobj.values())): d[k] = v rep = cens(d) elif cobj is None: return None else: clogger.error("Cannot yet handle object :%s", repr(cobj)) rep = None if name and rep: cmacros[name] = rep doc = "A CliMAF macro, which text is " + repr(rep) defs = 'def %s(*args) :\n """%s"""\n return instantiate(cmacros["%s"],[ x for x in args])\n' \ % (name, doc, name) exec(defs, globals()) exec("from climaf.cmacro import %s" % name, sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__) clogger.debug("Macro %s has been declared" % name) return rep
def define_new_macro(name, doc): # Define the new macro code codestring = compile('def %s(*args) :\n """%s"""\n return instantiate(cmacros["%s"], args)\n' % (name, doc, name), name, "exec") code = types.CodeType(codestring.co_argcount, codestring.co_kwonlyargcount, codestring.co_nlocals, codestring.co_stacksize, codestring.co_flags, codestring, codestring.co_consts, codestring.co_names, codestring.co_varnames, codestring.co_filename, codestring.co_name, codestring.co_firstlineno, codestring.co_lnotab, codestring.co_freevars, codestring.co_cellvars) rep = types.FunctionType(code=code, globals=globals(), name=name) return rep def crewrite(crs, alsoAtTop=True): """ Return the crs expression with sub-trees replaced by macro equivalent when applicable Search order is : from CRS tree root try all macros, then do the same for first subtree, and recursively in depth, and then go to second subtreesecond """ # Next line used for interpreting macros's CRS exec("ARG=climaf.cmacro.cdummy()", sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__) # allow_error_on_ds() try: co = eval(crs, sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__) except: clogger.debug("Issue when rewriting %s" % crs) return crs allow_error_on_ds(False) rep = None if isinstance(co, ctree) or isinstance(co, scriptChild) or isinstance(co, cpage): if alsoAtTop: for m in cmacros: clogger.debug("looking at macro : " + m + "=" + repr(cmacros[m]) + " \ncompared to : " + repr(macro(None, co))) argl = cmatch(cmacros[m], co) if len(argl) > 0: rep = m + \ "({})".format( ",".join([crewrite(arg.buildcrs(crsrewrite=crewrite)) for arg in argl])) # No macro matches at top level, or top level not wished. # Let us dig a bit if rep is None: rep = co.buildcrs(crsrewrite=crewrite) else: rep = crs return rep def cmatch(macro, cobj): """ Analyze if macro does match cobj, and return the list of objects matching macro arguments, ordered by depth-first traversal """ clogger.debug("matching " + repr(macro) + " and " + repr(cobj)) if isinstance(cobj, ctree) and isinstance(macro, ctree) and macro.operator == cobj.operator: nok = False for mpara, para in zip(sorted(list(macro.parameters)), sorted(list(cobj.parameters))): if mpara != para or macro.parameters[para] != cobj.parameters[para]: nok = True if nok: return [] argsub = [] for mop, op in zip(macro.operands, cobj.operands): if isinstance(mop, cdummy): argsub.append(op) else: argsub += cmatch(mop, op) return argsub elif isinstance(cobj, scriptChild) and isinstance(macro, scriptChild) and macro.varname == cobj.varname: return cmatch(macro.father, cobj.father) # , argslist) elif isinstance(cobj, cpage) and isinstance(macro, cpage): argsub = [] if cobj.heights == macro.heights and cobj.widths == macro.widths and cobj.orientation == macro.orientation: for mlines, lines in zip(macro.fig_lines, cobj.fig_lines): for mfig, fig in zip(mlines, lines): if isinstance(mfig, cdummy): argsub.append(fig) else: argsub += cmatch(mfig, fig) return argsub else: return [] def read(filename): """ Read macro dictionary from filename, and add it to cmacros[] """ import json macros_texts = None try: macrofile = open(os.path.expanduser(filename), "r") clogger.debug("Macrofile %s read" % macrofile) macros_texts = json.load(macrofile) clogger.debug("After reading file %s, macros=%s" % (macrofile, repr(macros_texts))) macrofile.close() except:"Issue reading macro file %s ", filename) if macros_texts: for m in macros_texts: clogger.debug("loading macro %s=%s" % (m, macros_texts[m])) macro(str(m), str(macros_texts[m])) def write(filename): """ Writes macros dictionary to disk ; should be called before exit """ import json filen = os.path.expanduser(filename) try: os.remove(filen) except: pass macrofile = open(filen, "w") dcrs = cmacros.copy() for m in dcrs: dcrs[m] = dcrs[m].buildcrs() json.dump(dcrs, macrofile, sort_keys=True, indent=4) macrofile.close() def show(interp=True): """ List the macros, searching also for macro usage in macros (except if arg ``interp`` is True) """ for m in cmacros: if interp: print("% 15s : %s" % (m, crewrite(cmacros[m].buildcrs(), alsoAtTop=False))) else: print("% 15s : %s" % (m, cmacros[m])) def instantiate(mac, operands, toplevel=True): """ Return a copy of macro cobject ``mac`` where arguments are instantiated by the list `operands', used in the order of depth-first tree traversal of ``mac``. Check that the number of operands is OK vs mac """ if isinstance(mac, cdummy): if len(operands) > 0: rep = operands.pop(0) else: raise Climaf_Macro_Error('no operand left') elif isinstance(mac, ctree): opers = [] for o in mac.operands: opers.append(instantiate(o, operands, toplevel=False)) rep = ctree(mac.operator, mac.script, *opers, **mac.parameters) elif isinstance(mac, scriptChild): father = instantiate(mac.father, operands, toplevel=False) rep = scriptChild(father, mac.variable) elif isinstance(mac, cdataset): rep = cdataset if toplevel and len(operands) != 0: raise Climaf_Macro_Error( 'too many operands; left operands are : ' + repr(operands)) return rep class Climaf_Macro_Error(Exception): def __init__(self, valeur): self.valeur = valeur clogger.error(self.__str__()) dedent(100) def __str__(self): return repr(self.valeur)