cpdfcrop : crop pdf figures to their minimal size

Remove empty margins, i.e. extra white space, of an input PDF figure. The resulting output figure occupies the minimal paper size needed for the content and is therefore suitable for inclusion as a graphic.

References : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/pdfcrop.1.html

Provider / contact : climaf at meteo dot fr

Inputs : any figure object (but only one)

Mandatory arguments: none

Optional arguments:
  • none

Output : the PDF cropped figure

Climaf call example:

>>> cdef("frequency","monthly")
>>> cdef("period","198001")
>>> tas=ds(project="example", simulation="AMIPV6ALB2G", variable="tas")
>>> fig=plot(tas,title="title",format="pdf")
>>> cshow(fig)
>>> cropped_fig=cpdfcrop(fig) # some figure object
>>> cshow(cropped_fig)

Side effects : none

Implementation : standard ‘pdfcrop’ utility to remove empty margins