What’s new

Changes, newest first:

  • V3.0:

    • Compatibility break:
      • Python2 compatibility is dropped in this version.
      • climaf module html has been renamed chtml to avoid conflicts with python standard package html
      • because CliMAF now uses xarray as sole netcdf package, users on shared machine must export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 or another sensible value
    • CliMAF now runs on new IPSL clusters ‘spirit1’ and “spirit2’ and at TGCC on machine ‘irene’ and ‘irene-amd’ (including tests suite), all CliMAF examples have been adapted; also, the default format set for CDO outputs is now NetDCF4.
    • function fds() now sets the dataset’s frequency using file’s global attribute ‘frequency’
    • dataset’s method check() has been reworked, accepts flags for setting what to check, and provides a consistent return value (which can be None if a decision cannot be made)
    • function climaf.class.ds() can resolve period=* if it is the only wildcard; triggered by setting classes.auto_resolve to True
    • default is now to deactivate optimization for CMIP6 data indexing, which seems buggy
    • msftyz data for IPSLCM6 and CMIP6 are automatically fixed for their degenerated dimension, provided environment variable CLIMAF_FIX_IPSL_CMIP6_MSFTYZ is set (to any value)
    • when dealing with netcdf files without time bounds, it must be specified when the project is defined using option ‘use_frequency=True’. ‘frequency’ must also be a facet of the project and it must be initialized using cdef. ‘frequency’ currently support the following values: ‘mon’ (month), ‘MS’ (month), ‘D’ (day), ‘H’ (hour), ‘M’ (minute).
    • A project can now be derived from an existing one (facets, dataloc).
    • Bugs :
      • operators regrid and regridn take care of discarding any ancillary variable in input data (such as area with sos), in order that CDO succeeds in regriding
      • fix on processing period=last_XX for a CMIP5 case
      • fix bugs in find_files (for case period = fx), in clist
    • Technical :
      • clean-up of netcdf libraries use : xarray becomes the sole package used; module anynetcdf is discarded and only functions provided by module nectdfbasics are used throughout CliMAF code, except for a very few calls to xarray (in driver.cread and classes.cdatset.check)
      • remove dependency to module ‘cesemp_env’ in bin/climaf
      • ease installation by embarking epstopdf
      • Engine mcdo.py now applies first the selection on date, in order to take advantage of much improved CDO/NetCDF performance on this operation
  • V2.0.2:

    • CliMAF can call ESMValTool diagnostic scripts, feeding them with data accessed and pre-processed by CliMAF calls. See Calling ESMValTools diagnostic scripts

    • The computation cost for all objects is now handled, and can be queried, using function ccost(). Cost is expressed as elapsed time. For getting the cost of a scalar, call cvalue() with argument``cost=True``

    • log:

      • CliMAF check for external softwares version at init stage can be

      silent, using clog(), with a log level of ‘critical’

      • Other messages at init stage can be discarded by redirecting stderr
    • cache:

      • Two bugs related to cache were fixed : cache content was not updated on exit, and with Python 3, it was not read at startup. Errors related to reading / writing cache are no more hidden.
      • The following cache variables are now handled in env.environment module: currentCache, cachedirs, indexFileName
    • Fix issue 193<https://github.com/rigoudyg/climaf/issues/193> regarding behaviour of listfiles for ambiguous cases

    • Finding CMIP6 datasets is optimized when facets/attributes have shell-like wildcards ( * or ?):

      • This relies on building tables that allows to derive wildcard facet’s list of values by using other facet’s value. Building the table may take a while, but the table is saved for further sessions (in the cache).
      • Also, an incremental testing of all possible data paths (built with possible facet values) allows to avoid costly glob.glob operations.
      • As an example, searching CMIP6 ‘tos’ data for expermient historical and all models, realizations, and grids (and not for peridos) takes 77 seconds on Ciclad; searching also for all periods takes 20 minutes, instead of 37 minutes.
      • This is yet limited to CMIP6 data, and active unless you set env.optimize_cmip6_wildcards to False
      • See module documentation for optimize
    • New dataset’s method glob is proposed as a replacement for method explore. It may be of simpler use, as it can return a list of all facets value combinations that match data. See glob().

  • V2.0.1:

    • Scripts can now process multiple ensembles, and ensembles which are not the first argument:
      • Each ensemble argument will be replaced by the list of files corresponding to the ensemble, each list being ordered by the ensemble order (see cens()); unless intentionally, the order is the same among all ensembles (if they are indexed by the same list of member labels)
  • V2.0.0:

    • Python 3 compatibility:

      • This new version is fully compatible with both python2 and python3. It has been tested with python 2.7 and python 3.7. Tests with other versions will come soon.
    • Scalar values computed using cvalue() are now cached; users can reset the corresponding in-memory and disk caches (both together) using raz_cvalues(). Variable cache.handle_cvalues allows (when set to False) to de-activate this cache.


      function cvalue() now returns a Python float (instead of a numpy.float64)

      • Internals:
        • this uses an in-memory dict (cvalues) and a Json file (cvalues.json);
        • by default, the dict key is the hashed CRS of cvalue’s object argument (with cvalue’s index argument as suffix)
        • variable handle_cvalues can be set to - False, for de-activating the cache - ‘by_crs’, for using the objects CRS has dict key value (but some CRS are very long)
    • Project definition:

      • Data location can now depends on table, realm in addition to experiment, project… via dataloc()
    • Operator:

      • Standard operator slice has been renamed into cslice_average and cslice_select has been created.
      • New operators scripts/ccdo2_flip and ccdo3_flip allow CliMAF to keep track of the variable available as output of those CDO operators which use an ancilary field as first argument (as e.g. ‘ifthen’ and ‘ifthenelse’).
    • Functions:

      • Function merge_periods() will merge consecutive periods even if they miss a 31st december (such as in 360-days calendars)
    • Structure:

      • To avoid cycling import, the module climaf.operator has been split into three modules: climaf.operator (still here), climaf.operator_derive and climaf.operator_scripts.
      • ceval() has been modified to call functions specific to CliMAF types: ceval_for_cdataset(), ceval_for_ctree(), ceval_for_ScriptChild(), ceval_for_cpage(), ceval_for_cpage_pdf(), ceval_for_cens(), ceval_for_string().
      • Variables used everywhere in CliMAF and available for everyone have been moved to module env.environment: cprojects, aliases, frequencies, realms, cscripts, operators, derived_variables, cmacros, known_formats, graphic_formats, none_formats, locs.
  • V1.2.13:

    • Structure:

      • Change in CliMAf structure, creation of directory env which contains site_settings.py (former climaf/site_settings.py) and clogging.py (former climaf.clogging.py). This allows the use of the logger and the environement variables which are used to determine on which server CliMAF runs in scripts.
      • Rewrite mcdo.sh into mcdo.py to allow more flexibility and improve ccdo calls.
    • Re-work the handling of data selection for better performance:

      • allow to save heavy dataset selection : selection on time, variable, domain, … can be done once for all and will now be duly reused if CliMAF is forced to cache its value, simply by using :

        >>> cfile(ds(...some dataset...))
      • A new feature was introduced to automatically avoid redundant selection on variable/period/domain … for datasets which already underwent such a selection. This implies that the operators which actually need to know the name of the variable(s) for the dataset(s) provided by CliMAF must now use keyword ‘Var’ instead of ‘var’ in the script calling sequence declaration (see cscript )

      • allow to systematically avoid automatic CliMAF selection on variable, time, domain, aliasing for a given operator; when applicable, this may save disk space; see argument select in doc of cscript and the example How to handle CliMAF operators that concatenate data over time

    • Cache:

      • cache structure is changed for saving i-nodes (files) (divide by 10 …); please run script CLIMAF/scripts/reshape_cache.sh for reshaping your cache, after you definitely moved to this CliMAF version; this is not mandatory, but will actually lower your inodes/files use
      • Cache speed improvement: when computing a CliMAF object, default behaviour is to search cache for ‘including’ or ‘begin’ objects (i.e. similar objects with different period) but this could be expensive. Toggle driver.dig_hard_into_cache can be set to False to avoid it.
      • Variable climaf.cache.stamping can be set to None, which means : put a stamp if possible, but don’t bother if impossible. Reminder : the stamp is a NetCDF (or PNG, or PDF) metadata which includes the Climaf Reference Synatx description of the data
    • Graphics:

    • Operators :

      • handle operators which concatenate data over time, through new cscript argument doCatTime. See its doc and the detailed example How to handle CliMAF operators that concatenate data over time
      • standard operator ccdo3 allows to use e.g. CDO ternary operators such as ifthenelse
      • for climaf operators needing multiple optional input objects, providing a void object is possible using an empty string (useful when wanting to provide another, which comes after in the argument objects list)
    • Datasets and projects:

      • CliMAF startup can be quicker if you don’t need that it checks all external tools it uses; this is activated by setting enviornment variable CLIMAF_CHECK_DEPENDENCIES to ‘no’ or ‘0’

      • Variable climaf.cache.stamping can be set to None, which means : put a stamp if possible, but don’t bother if impossible. Reminder : the stamp is a NetCDF (or PNG, or PDF) metadata which includes the CliMAF Reference Syntax description of the data

      • calias() has new arg conditions which allows to restrict its effect, based on the value of some facets, through a dictionary of criteria. Example, for a given model which CMIP6 data has an error for variable evspsbl on some data versions :

        >>> calias('CMIP6,'evspsbl,scale=-1,conditions={ "model":"CanESM5" , "version": ["20180103", "20190112"] })
      • Add function cvalid() for declaring a list of allowed values for project facets/keywords. This allows to better constrain the identification of files for a dataset, as e.g. for CMIP6 when using wildcard such as grid=”g*”. It avoids mismatch between patterns for fixed fields and pattenrs for variable fields. Example :

        >>> cvalid('grid', ["gr", "gn", "gr1", "gr2"], project="CMIP6")
      • Projects CMIP5 and CMIP6 are defined even on systems where there is no known root location for that data; so, user can define facet ‘root’ later on, to match their data architecture, without hacking the distributed code

      • Handling attribute ‘version’ for derived variables : if a derived variable (say ‘P-E’) is defined with e.g. version ‘v20190801’, this value will apply to selecting the dataset for variable ‘P’, but value ‘latest’ will be used for ‘E’; this because there are some occasions where the value of attribute ‘version’ is not the same among the variables

      • Remove a constraining, buggy check on ensemble members order

    • Change log level of message about how DJF clim works

    • Fixes:

      • Bugfix for cache searching of a subperiod of a derived variable already in the cache.
  • V1.2.12:

    • the version of the tools used is now displayed when CliMAF is loaded.
    • add several features to run CliMAF with C-ESM-EP at IPSL, Cerfacs and CNRM
    • fixes:
      • fix order in fline function
      • fix netcdftime import
      • fix fixed fields issue
      • fix documentation and change sphinx version
  • V1.2.11:

    • This is the last release which is truly handled on the ‘senesis/climaf’ Github account repository; next releases will be handled on the ‘rigoudyg/climaf’ account; anyway Github will redirect your git clone commands to the new location
    • add an example for declaring a script which has multiple output files
    • dataset’s method explore() is improved:
      • option resolve handle variable aliasing correctly
      • option resolve will instantiate periods like last_YYY and first_YYY
      • option ensemble allow for single-member ensembles
    • function dataloc() can use keyword ${period} in filename patterns
    • fixes:
      • for project CMIP5, add a pattern matching fixed fields
      • fix a bug and clean code in init_period()
      • improve doc (typos, english), and testing/test_1.py
  • V1.2.10:

    • Ensembles are sorted on their label using module natsort (when it is available)
    • Init variable site_settings.atCerfacs based on existence of /scratch/globc
    • Fix for data files without a date in filename, which were sometimes disregarded
  • V1.2.9:

    • ensembles can be built on multiple attributes (e.g model+realization); eds() has new argument ‘first’ for driving which attribute appears first in member labels
    • period=’first_10y’ and variants are allowed.
    • when declaring a project, allowed pattern for dates in filenames is now ${PERIOD} (see dataloc); but anyway, upward compatibility is ensured.
    • cache results can be protected against deletion by normal calls to craz() and cdrop(); see cprotect(); erase functions have new argument ‘force’ to overcome this protection
    • dataset now have a (prototype) method ‘errata()’, which opens a Firefox tab for CMIP6 datasets, querying the ES-Doc errata service. However, this service doesn’t yet support value ‘latest’ for attribute ‘version’
    • fix issue with filenames which includes a plus (+) sign
  • V1.2.7:

    • period=’last_50y’ (and variants, e.g. LAST_3Y) are allowed
    • dataset methods listfiles and baseFiles will trigger an error if the dataset is ambiguous on some attribute; but calling it with ‘ensure_dataset=False’ allows to bypass this error
    • this point breaks upward comaptibility: project CMIP5 now uses attribute ‘realization’ instead of ‘member’; and now, it has organization ‘generic’
    • the cache index, when synchronized, will know about dropped objects
    • add module easyCMIP, yet un-documented
  • V1.2.6:

    • a versatile datafiles and periods exploration method is associated to datasets: see explore()
  • V1.2.2:

  • V1.2:

    • New operators:
    • lonlatvert_interpolation (lonlatvert_interpolation()) replaces lonlatpres_interpolation to make it more generic and suitable for CliMAF
    • Added crealms() to have a mechanism of alias on the realms names (as for the frequencies)
    • when creating a portable atlas (directory containing the html index with the figures, using the ‘dirname’ option of cell()), we now have an index file in the directory listing all the figures of the atlas with their CRS. This allows any tool to parse this index and filter the figures with keywords (in the CRS).
    • Added cscalar(): this function returns a float in python when applied on a CliMAF object that is supposed to have one single value. It uses cMA to import a masked array and returns only the float.
    • Allow to choose log directory (for files climaf.log and last.out), using environment variable CLIMAF_LOG_DIR
    • Bug fix on ds() for the access to daily datasets with the CMIP5 project
  • 2017/05/02:

  • 2017/04/18:

    • Transparent ftp access to remote data is now possible. See toward the end of entry dataloc to know how to describe a project for remote data. A local directory holds a copy of remote data. This directory is set using environment variable ‘CLIMAF_REMOTE_CACHE’ (defaults to $CLIMAF_CACHE/remote_data), see Using CliMAF at CNRM, on Ciclad or Climserv: fast track.
  • 2017/02/21:

    • Fixes a bug about a rarely used case (operator secondary outputs)
  • 2017/01/25:

  • 2016/12/14:

  • 2016/06/30:

    • Input for function fixed_fields(), which allows to provide fixed fields to operators: path of fixed fields may depend now also on grid of operator’s first operand
    • automatic fix of Aladin outputs attribute ‘coordinates’ issues, provided you set environment variable CLIMAF_FIX_ALADIN_COORD to anything but ‘no’. This adresses the wrong variable attribute ‘coordinates’ with ‘lat lon’ instead of ‘latitude longitude’ (../scripts/mcdo.sh, see function aladin_coordfix())
    • exiv2 (Image metadata manipulation tool) is embarked in CliMAF distribution: <your_climaf_installation_dir>/bin/exiv2
  • 2016/05/24:

  • 2016/05/04 - Version 1.0.1:

    • html package:
  • 2016/04/22 - Version 1.0:

  • 2016/03/25:

    • Changes for standard operator plot (see plot: map, cross-section and profile plot of one or two fields, and vectors plot over a map):
      • new argument reverse to reverse colormap;
      • a change breaking backward compatibility: optional argument linp was renamed y and its default was modified (now default is a vertical axis with data-linear spacing, so you have to specify y=”log” to obtain the same plot make without argument linp before);
      • min and max was extended to define the range of main field axis for profiles;
      • this operator can now plot (t,z) profiles;
      • bug fixes if data file only contains latitude or longitude;
      • bug fixes to custom color of auxiliary field for profiles via argument aux_options
    • Changes for standard operator curves (see curves : plot multiple profiles (along p, lat, lon, time, …)):
      • new arguments:
        • aux_options for setting NCL graphic resources directly for auxiliary field (it is recommended to use this argument only if you plot exactly two fields);
        • min and max to define min and max values for main field axis
      • a change breaking backward compatibility: optional argument linp was renamed y, a new axis style is proposed (data-linear spacing) and its default was modified (now default is a vertical axis with data-linear spacing, so you have to specify y=”log” to obtain the same plot make without argument linp before);
      • add field unit after ‘long_name’ attribute of field in title of field axis
    • New standard operators slice, mask and ncpdq: see slice : extract a slice at a given dimension’s range, mask : set a given value as missing value and ncpdq: netCDF Permute Dimensions Quickly
    • A new example in the distribution: see atlasoce.py
    • File ‘angle_EM.nc’ in ‘tools’ directory was renamed angle_data_CNRM.nc to be compatible with the new project ‘data_CNRM’
    • Adapt to Ciclad new location for CMIP5 data, and improve install doc for Ciclad
  • 2016/02/25:

    • Changes for standard operator plot (see plot: map, cross-section and profile plot of one or two fields, and vectors plot over a map):
      • new arguments:
        • shade_below and shade_above to shade contour regions for auxiliary field;
        • options, aux_options and shading_options for setting NCL graphic resources directly
      • color filling is smoothed to contours
    • Standard operator ‘curves’ now handle multiple profile cases: time series, profile along lat or lon, and profile in pressure/z_index. It also allows to set NCL graphic ressources directly: see curves : plot multiple profiles (along p, lat, lon, time, …).
    • Standard operators ‘lines’ and ‘timeplot’ were removed, and replaced by ‘curves’: see curves : plot multiple profiles (along p, lat, lon, time, …)
    • New function cpage_pdf() allows to create a PDF page of figures array using ‘pdfjam’. See example figarray.
    • A new output format allowed for graphic operators : eps; see cscript(). This needs an install of ‘exiv2’ - see Requirements and acknowledgements
    • A new standard operator, to crop eps figures to their minimal size: cepscrop; see cepscrop : crop eps figures to their minimal size
    • Changes for several functions of package climaf.chtml (which easily creates an html index which includes tables of links -or thumbnails- to image files). See link(), cell(), line(), fline(), flines():
      • new arguments:
        • dirname to create a directory wich contains hard links to the figure files; allows to create an autonomous, portable atlas
        • hover for displaying a larger image when you mouse over the thumbnail image
      • change for thumbnail argument: it can also provide the geometry of thumbnails as ‘witdh*height’
    • Technical changes:
      • For function cpage_pdf() (which creates a PDF page of figures array using ‘pdfjam’): you can set or not a backslash before optional argument ‘pt’ (for title font size) as LaTeX commands. See example figarray.
      • Data access was modified for several examples:
        • For cdftools, cdftools_multivar and cdftransport: a new project ‘data_CNRM’ was declared instead of ‘NEMO’ old project; this new project uses data available at CNRM in a dedicated directory “/cnrm/est/COMMON/climaf/test_data”, which contains both Nemo raw outputs, monitoring outputs (with VT-files) and fixed fields.
        • Example gplot: now works with project ‘example’ (instead of ‘EM’ project) and also with the new project ‘data_CNRM’ at CNRM for rotating vectors from model grid on geographic grid.
      • Two examples gplot and cdftools_multivar were added to the script which tests all examples test_examples
      • cpdfcrop, which is used by operators ‘cpdfcrop’ and ‘cepscrop’ tools, is embarked in CliMAF distribution: <your_climaf_installation_dir>/bin/pdfcrop
      • Python 2.7 is required and tested in test_install
      • Bug fixes in anynetcdf to import a module from ‘scipy.io.netcdf’ library (for reading and writing NetCDF files).
      • Change format for log messages. For restoring former, verbose format see Experts’ corner.
      • cshow(), when it displays pdf or eps figures, does use a multi-page capable viewer (xdg-open) if it is available. Otherwise, it uses ‘display’
  • 2015/12/08:

    • Allow operator plot to use a local coordinates file, for dealing with Nemo data files having un-complete ‘nav_lat’ and ‘nav_lon’. See navlat issues with plot. Such files are available e.g. at CNRM in /cnrm/ioga/Users/chevallier/chevalli/Partage/NEMO/
    • Change for cpage():
      • argument orientation is now deprecated and preferably replaced by new arguments page_width and page_height for better control on image resolution
      • better adjustment of figures in height (if fig_trim is True).
    • Fix function cfile() for case hard=True
  • 2015/11/27 - Version 0.12:
  • 2015/10/19 - Version 0.11:
    • For cpage() (which creates an array of figures), default keywords changed: fig_trim=False -> fig_trim=True, page_trim=False -> page_trim=True. See example figarray.
    • New function efile() allows to apply cfile() to an ensemble object. It writes a single file with variable names suffixed by member label.
    • The general purpose plot operator (for plotting 1D and 2D datasets: maps, cross-sections and profiles), named plot, was significantly enriched. It now allows for plotting an additional scalar field displayed as contours and for plotting an optional vector field, for setting the reference longitude, the contours levels for main or auxiliary field, the reference length used for the vector field plot, the rotation of vectors from model grid to geographic grid, … See plot: map, cross-section and profile plot of one or two fields, and vectors plot over a map
  • 2015/09/23 - Version 0.10:
    • Interface to Drakkar CDFTools: a number of operators now come in two versions: one accepting multi-variable inputs, and one accepting only mono-variable inputs (with an ‘m’ suffix)
    • Multi-variable datasets are managed. This is handy for cases where variables are grouped in a file. See an example in: cdftransport.py, where variable ‘products’ is assigned
    • Package climaf.chtml has been re-designed: simpler function names (fline(), flines(), addition of basic function line() for creating a simple links line; improve doc
    • New function fds() allows to define simply a dataset from a single data file. See example in data_file.py
  • 2015/09/08 - Version 0.9:
    • Operator ‘lines’ is smarter re.time axis: (see curves : plot multiple profiles (along p, lat, lon, time, …)):
      • Tick marks are smartly adapted to the time period duration.
      • When datasets does not cover the same time period, the user can choose wether time axis will be aligned to the same origin or just be the union of all time periods
    • Interface to Drakkar CDFTools: cdfmean, cdftransport, cdfheatc, cdfmxlheatc, cdfsections, cdfstd, cdfvT; you need to have a patched version of Cdftools3.0; see CDFTools operators and examples: cdftransport.py and cdftools.py
    • CliMAF can provide fixed fields to operators, which path may depend on project and simulation of operator’s first operand (see fixed_fields())
    • Fixes:
      • datasets of type ‘short’ are correctly read
      • operator’s secondary output variables are duly renamed, according to the name given to operator’s the secondary output when declaring it using script()
  • 2015/08/27 - Version 0.8:
    • Basics
      • A CHANGE BREAKING BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: default facet/attribute ‘experiment’ was renamed ‘simulation’. It is used for hosting either CMIP5’s facet/attribute ‘rip’, or for ‘EXPID’ at CNRM, or for JobName at IPSL. All ‘projects’ and examples, and this documentation too, have been changed accordingly. Please upgrade to this version if you want a consistent documentation. A facet named ‘experiment’ was added to project CMIP5 (for hosting the ‘CMIP5-controlled-vocabulary’ experiment name, as e.g. ‘historical’).
      • default values for facets are now handled on a per-project basis. See cdef() and cdataset().
      • Binary climaf can be used as a back end in your scripts, feeding it with a string argument. See Using CliMAF as a back end in your scripts
    • Outputs and rendering
      • Package climaf.chtml allows to easily create an html index, which includes tables of links (or thumbnails) to image files; iterating on e.g. seasons and variables is handled by CliMAF. See:
      • Function cfile() can create hard links: the same datafile (actually: the samer inode) will exists with two filenames (one in CliMAF cache, one which is yours), while disk usage is counted only for one datafile; you may remove any of the two file(name)s as you want, without disturbing accessing the data with the other filename.
      • When creating a symlink between a CliMAF cache file and another filename with function cfile(): the symlink source file is now ‘your’ filename; hence, no risk that some CliMAF command does erase it ‘in your back’; and CliMAf will nicely handle broken symlinks, when you erase ‘your’ files
    • Inputs
      • climatology files, which have a somewhat intricated time axis (e.g. monthly averages over a 10 year period) can now be handled with CliMAF regular time axis management, on the fly, by modifying the basic data selection script: it can enforce a reference time axis by intepreting the data filename. This works e.g. for IPSL’s averaged annual-cycle datafiles. If needed, you may change function timefix() near line 30 in mcdo.sh
      • automatic fix of CNRM’s Nemo old data time_axis issues, provided you set environment variable CLIMAF_FIX_NEMO_TIME to anything but ‘no’. This will add processing cost. This adresses the wrong time coordinate variable t_ave_01month and t_ave_00086400
      • speed-up datafiles scanning, incl. for transitory data organization during simulation run with libIGCM
    • fixes and minor changes:
      • check that no dataset attribute include the separator defined for corresponding project
      • fix issues at startup when reading cache index
      • rename an argument for operator ‘plot’: domain -> focus
      • scripts argument ‘labels’ now uses ‘$’ as a separator
  • 2015/05/20 - Version 0.7:
    • Handle explicitly defined objects ensembles (see cens) and explicit dataset ensembles (see eds(). Operators which are not ensemble-capable will be automagically looped over members. See examples in ensemble.py.
    • New standard operator lines for plotting profiles or other xy curves for ensembles; see curves : plot multiple profiles (along p, lat, lon, time, …)
    • Standard operator plot has new arguments: contours for adding contour lines, domain for greying out land or ocean; see plot: map, cross-section and profile plot of one or two fields, and vectors plot over a map
    • Extended access to observation data as managed by VDR at CNRM: GPCC, GPCP, ERAI, ERAI-LAND, CRUTS3, CERES (in addition to OBS4MIPS, and CAMI); see Pre-defined projects and datasets and examples in data_obs.py.
    • Special keyword crs is replaced by keyword title: the value of CRS expression for an object is provided to script-based operators under keyword title, if no title value is provided when invoking the operator. Scripts can also independanlty use keyword crs for getting the CRS value
    • cpage keywords changed: widths_list -> widths, heights_list -> heights
  • 2015/05/11 - Version 0.6.1:
    • Add a macro feature: easy definition of a macro from a compound object; you can save, edit, load… and macros are used for interpreting cache content. See cmacro() and an example in macro.
    • A general purpose plot operator, named plot, is fine for plotting 1D and 2D datasets (maps, cross-sections, profiles, but not Hoevmoeller…) and replaces plotxesc and plotmap. It allows for setting explicit levels in palette, stereopolar projection, vertical coordinate… See plot: map, cross-section and profile plot of one or two fields, and vectors plot over a map
    • Can list or erase cache content using various filters (on age, size, modif date…); disk usage can be displayed. See clist(), cls(), crm(), cdu(), cwc()
    • Can create an array of figures using cpage(). See example figarray.
    • Can cope with un-declared missing values in data files, as e.g. Gelato outputs with value=1.e+20 over land, which is not the declared missing value; See calias() and em
    • When declaring data re-scaling, can declare units of the result (see calias())
    • Can declare correspondance between project-specific frequency names and normalized names (see cfreqs()).
    • Add: howto ..record a CliMAF session
    • Cache content index is saved on exit
    • Add an example of seaice data handling and plotting. See seaice.py
  • 2015/04/22 - Version 0.6.0:
  • 2015/04/14 - Version 0.5.0:

    • A versionning scheme is now used, which is based on recommendations found at http://semver.org.

    • Starting CliMAF:

      • Binary climaf allows to launch Python and import Climaf at once. See Running CliMAF interactively
      • File ~/.climaf is read as configuration file, at the end of climaf.api import
    • Input data:

      • New projects can be defined, with project-specific facets/attributes. See cproject

      • A number of projects are ‘standard’: CMIP5, OCMPIP5, OBS4MIPS, EM, CAMIOBS, and example

      • Data location is automatically declared for CMIP5 data at CNRM and on Ciclad (in module site_settings)

      • Discard pre-defined organizations ‘OCMPI5_Ciclad’, ‘example’, etc, and replace it by smart use of organization ‘generic’.


        this leads to some upward incompatibility regarding how data locations are declared for these datasets; please refer to the examples in data_generic.py).

      • Access to fixed fields is now possible, and fixed fields may be specific to a given simulation. See examples in data_generic.py and data_cmip5drs.py

    • Operators:

      • Explanation is available on how to know how a given operator is declared to CliMAF, i.e. what is the calling sequence for the external script or binary; see ..know which CliMAF operators are available and what they do
      • Simplify declaration of scripts with no output (just omit ${out})
      • plotmap: this operator now zoom on the data domain, and plot data across Greenwich meridian correctly
    • Running CliMAF - messages, cache, errors:

      • Verbosity, and cache directory, can be set using environment variables. See Configuring CliMAF
      • Simplify use of function clog()
      • Log messages are indented to show recursive calls of ceval()
      • Quite extended use of Python exceptions for error handling
  • 2015/04/06:

    • time period in CRS and as an argument to ‘ds’ is shortened unambiguously and may show only one date
    • function cfile has new arguments: target and link
    • CMIP5 facets ‘realm’ and ‘table’ are handled by ‘ds’, ‘dataloc’ and ‘cdef’
    • organization called ‘generic’ allow to describe any data file hierarchy and naming
    • organization called ‘EM’ introduced, and allows to handle CNRM-CM outputs as managed by EM
    • default option for operator regrid is now ‘remapbil’ rather than ‘remapcon2’
    • log messages are tabulated
    • a log file is added, with own severity level, set by clog_file
    • operators with format=None are also evaluated as soon as applied - i.e. cshow no more needednon ncview(…)


Issues with CliMAF and future work are documented at https://github.com/rigoudyg/climaf/issues